Kimi no Na wa tells the story of a girl named Mitsuha Miyamizu and a boy named Taki Tachibana. Mitsuha is the son of the village while Taki lives in the middle of Tokyo. Sometimes they dream like they are exchanging souls, but over time the dream becomes more real. When they realized that neither of them had dreamed, they started keeping diaries to report the events they had experienced while changing places. One day, this exchange phenomenon stopped. Feelings of restlessness and love that arise in their hearts make them try to find each other's existence.
Like previous Makoto Shinkai films, Kimi no Na wa presents a very beautiful animated visualization. Each scene that is displayed makes us feel as if we are looking at a painting with an amazing view. Almost all the backgrounds shown are drawn based on real objects in Japan. All parts from the object to the background are made in great detail. Starting from buildings in urban areas, grass in the fields, even small objects on the table.
When shown in natural scenery, we can see the colouring of each element which is very natural, like a photo taken by a professional photographer. Not only that, the emotions of each character can be felt just by looking at their movements. With such amazing animation, I don't think it's surprising that many people compare Makoto Shinkai's work to the animated film from Studio Ghibli.
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