The book titled “Earth” by Tere Liye is a series that tells about the adventures of 3 amazing friends. Raib is a high school girl who can disappear when she closes her eyes with her palms. She knew her strength from the age of 2, and she often played hide and seek in such a way that her mother and father couldn't find her whereabouts.
Seli is Raib's best friend. In the novel, Seli also has strength. Her strength is that it can remove electrical energy from its hands. Ali in the novel he does not have any strength but is very genius compared to other children of his age. Ali and Raib always argue and rarely get along because of Ali's nosy nature.
This book does not only carry the theme of adventure, this book also offers a fairly complex story of friendship and family. About who Raib actually was. About Ali who tried to express his affection for his parents when he felt that he was on the edge of despair. This book also gives a lot of information, invites to think, as well as invites readers to imagine.
I recommend this book to those of you who like the fantasy-science fiction and adventure genres. Apart from the book 'Earth' there are also other series, Moon, Sun, Stars, Ceros and Batozar, Comet, and most recently Comet Minor.
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